Friday, August 14, 2015

The next step in the journey + GIVEAWAY

Fun things are happening people! I've started up a newsletter.

Oh wait, did you just tune out? Don't! I know that it may sound kind of boring...but this is no ordinary newsletter. This baby will be packed full of awesome things like hilarious pictures of me, fan-girl selifes with my favorite authors (as I meet them), awesome giveaway opportunities, insider info on my writing, and let's not forget the hilarious stories of things that happen to me (I just can't make this stuff up).

See, that doesn't sound too boring or overly-inbox-filling, does it?

Well, if you've got an adventurous spirit, an obsession with great books, some curiosity about what I write, or maybe just a lot of time to kill...then sign up for my newsletter!


Yes, I'll admit that I'm totally bribing you all to sign up. I wouldn't do it if I didn't think you'd enjoy it though - honest! I'm giving away some pretty legit prizes (which you can read more about in the newsletter *wink wink*) AND everyone who signs up for the newsletter between now and September 14th will automatically get three additional entries (on top of how you can enter here). As you can see, it's to your benefit to sign up ;)

Sound like a plan? Okay, awesome! I can't wait for you all to see my first update (I had a lot of fun crafting it for you) and make sure you hop back over to Sarah Sundin's interview from this week - she's giving away a copy of her latest release Through Water's Deep.


  1. Japan Current & Future Analysis for Digital MarketingSoftware by Component - Software and Services - IndependentAnalysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2020through 2027 III-19 Table 56: Japan Historic Review for Digital Marketing Softwareby Component - Software and Services Markets - IndependentAnalysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2012 through2019 III-20 Table 57: Japan 15-Year Perspective for Digital MarketingSoftware by using Component - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales forSoftware and Services for the Years 2012, 2020 & 2027 III-21 Table 58: Japan Current & Future Analysis for Digital MarketingSoftware by way of Deployment - Cloud and On-Premise - IndependentAnalysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2020through 2027 III-22 Table 59: Japan Historic Review for Digital Marketing Softwareby Deployment - Cloud and On-Premise Markets - IndependentAnalysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2012 through2019 III-23 Table 60: Japan 15-Year Perspective for Digital MarketingSoftware via Deployment - Percentage Breakdown of Value Salesfor Cloud and On-Premise for the Years 2012, 2020 & 2027 III-24 Table 61: Japan Current & Future Analysis for Digital MarketingSoftware through Vertical - Media & Entertainment, BFSI, IT &Telecom, Consumer Goods & Retail, Travel & Hospitality,Transportation & Logistics and Other Verticals -

  2. Crown mouldings, also known as cornicing is a piece composed of decorative plaster, which is placed between the ceiling and wall. They come in many dimensions and shapes. It is a popular characteristic of old houses but incorporating it to the living room or bedroom can help you achieve the look of a sophisticated, traditional design.
    A window that is well-dressed can take an area from boring to chic in one step. The new trend is to apply color to integrate them into your decor. This style employs a two-tone effect that makes even low-cost shutters appear like they were created for this elegant bedroom.

  3. Comece ajustando um aspecto em um determinado momento e, em seguida, analisando os resultados após cada ajuste, até que suas taxas de saída comecem a melhorar. Certas páginas tendem a ter taxas de saída mais altas do que outras, como suas políticas de privacidade ou páginas de contato (geralmente as pessoas encontram as informações que procuram no Google sem nunca visitar seu site).

  4. Com os Influenciadores Digitais trabalhando para você, há potencial para apresentar a imagem da sua empresa a um grande público. O Snapchat, por exemplo, tem uma base de usuários ativa de 310 milhões, visualizando cerca de 10 bilhões de vídeos todos os dias. Outra instância pode ser o Pinterest, onde ostenta impressionantes 100 milhões de usuários ativos mensais a cada mês. Os influenciadores ajudam as marcas a alavancar o potencial das plataformas de mídia social, como Snapchat e Pinterest.

  5. A custom LED neon sign is safer than a traditional neon sign. It does not contain toxic gases and breakable glass. So, the custom LED neon sign is not harmful to your customers. These neon signs will add a luminous glow safely.

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