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A little bit about Ginger...
Ginger Marcinkowski was born as one of eight siblings in northern Maine along the Canadian border, a setting that plays a prominent role in her novels,
Run, River Currents and
The Button Legacy-Emily’s Inheritance.
Her debut novel,
Run, River Currents, was published in August 2012, was a 2012 semi-finalist in the ACFW Genesis Awards and a 2013 Kindle Book Award Finalist.
The Button Legacy-Emily's Inheritance, will be released in July 2014. An interesting fact about Ginger is that she is a million-mile flier with United Airlines and had been a multi-million dollar travel agent in the past. Her travel experience will be the catalyst for a new series of mysteries whose main characters are travel agents.
How to connect with Ginger...
www.gingermarcinkowski.com/blog Goodreads:
https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6455180.Ginger_Marcinkowski Facebook:
www.facebook.com/writer.Ginger.Marcinkowski Twitter:
Author Interview | Ginger Marcinkowski
You and Writing Tell us a little bit about yourself: How did you start writing? What has kept you writing?
...I was a late bloomer and didn’t started really writing until the age of 53. It was in my mind to write, but time and life got in the way. When I started my Master of Fine Arts degree, the real desire to write emerged and now I have no problems wanting to write or having the time to write, as I am retired. Do you have a favorite book or work that you’ve written? If so, why? ...My latest release, The Button Legacy: Emily’s Inheritance
was a work of love and a tribute to the way God has blessed my life. The novel is a collection of stories about an old button box my grandparents owned. When we would visit as children, they would allow us to pull the tin container down from the top of the oak hutch and choose one button. They would then relay a story about the button we had chosen. They are tender memories and although this is fiction, many of the stories are real. What was the hardest thing about publishing? The easiest? ...My journey into the publishing world was no tougher than any writer faces, except for the fact that I had written a dark novel and neither the secular market, nor the Christian market thought it was “acceptable reading.” The secular market did not like my inclusion of faith in the story and called it “too Christian.” The Christian market felt two of the scenes depicted more truth than their audience could handle, calling it “too secular.” They wanted something more lighthearted. That was tough hearing, but when it was picked up by Booktrope Publishing, it garnished awards in both the Christian and the secular markets. Because of that first book, Booktrope went on to create a Christian imprint called Vox Dei. They now welcome other Christian writers! Again, God was faithful.
...The easiest thing about publishing is targeting editors and publishing. The hardest things about publishing are the marketing I’ve had to do once the book was published and reading reviews that judge my personal Christianity instead of the work I have written. That really happened. It broke my heart to see that a fellow Christian said I could not be a Christian and write about what had happened to me in Run, River Currents
. I felt sad by the fact that the reviewer was so judgmental and attacked me personally, rather than the novel. When I asked her if the writing was good, she replied it was excellent. She just didn’t like the subject matter. I guess bad things don’t happen to Christians. Writers have to have thick skins.

Your Writing
Tell us a little bit about your book or what you’re working on currently? Why are you/did you write it?
...The Button Legacy: Emily’s Inheritance was written to balance out Run, River Currents, my first novel. In that dark book, which was based on a true event of abuse in my life, the main character, Emily Evans, carried around a tremendous burden of guilt, shame and anger because of her father’s sexual abuse. The book alludes to the fact that Emily’s grandparents were praying and witnessing to her, but it was not until the end of the book that Emily came to know Christ as her Savior. In The Button Legacy: Emily’s Inheritance, the reader gets “the other side” of her dark story. It shows how God’s grace was holding Emily up during her dark times and in the end, allowed the character to see how God would continue to be passed on to her own son.
Do you have a favorite character in this work? If so, why?
...So much of this book has reality in it, so I’d have to say John Polk, as he was such a godly influence in my life. Unfortunately, it took me until adulthood to know or understand how important his quiet witness was to all of his grandchildren.
What is one take-away from your book that you hope readers identify with?
...That God is alive hand as real as you or I am. He gives us a faith that is to be passed on in whatever manner we choose to do it. For my family, it was with buttons.
Where do you find inspiration for your story/characters? Are they based on real life or pure imagination or both?
... I write from my own life experiences, weaving truth and fiction, and adding a strong sense of place. As for inspiration, it surrounds me and I use it to its fullest advantage.
When you write, what is your overall intention with your stories?
...I didn’t have to think long about this one, as my hope with my writing is that God will be glorified and readers will come to understand the importance of believing in Him by not beating them over the head with the Bible. If they laugh or cry along the way, that just adds to my joy!
What advice would you give to aspiring authors for writing and/or publishing?
...I can think of two important things. One is to just write. Quit thinking about writing. Quit saying you want to write. Quit making excuses not to write. Instead…write. If it is important enough and not an afterthought, you will write. Secondly, write the truth. So many new writers worry about hurting someone’s feelings or about people not understanding their writing. I say, write the truth, no matter how hard it is to write, no matter who might believe you or challenge your faith. If you write the truth, God will honor that whether your truth is written in fiction or non-fiction.
How are you making the most of your time this summer for writing and relaxing? Do you do anything different in the summer months?
...Now that I am retired, my winters and summers are the same, except for weather. I take time out of every day to read God’s Word, exercise and enjoy my family. Everything else, including writing must wait!
Do you enjoy hot weather or cold better?
...Definitely hot! I don’t have a great swimsuit body and I have had skin cancer, so I don’t just sit in the sun, but I do so love sitting under an umbrella and watching any body of water.
It was great having you on the blog today Ginger!I love the idea of the button box and a memory attached to each button! My grandma had a similar button in, though we didn't often discuss the memories behind the buttons. It's sad to hear the pain you had to go through with difficult reviews, but finding solace in the fact that (as you point out) you wrote the truth. I also love how you say to just write and stop making excuses. Yes, I hear you and need to tell myself that over and over again. I hope you enjoy your relaxing this summer.
And thank you for your generous giveaway! I can't wait to see who wins!!! Don't forget to comment below readers.