It's that time again--coffee or tea, settle in to get to know author Lisa Carter...
Her novel, Under a Turquoise Sky, won the 2015 Carol Award for Romantic Suspense. Her latest contemporary romance is The Deputy’s Perfect Match. The bestselling author of seven romantic suspense novels and a Coast Guard series, Lisa enjoys traveling to romantic locales and researching her next exotic adventure. A native North Carolinian, she has strong opinions on barbecue and ACC basketball. She loves to hear from readers.
How did you start writing?
Like many writers, I started out as an avid reader. As a child, I made up stories to entertain myself and neighborhood kids (aka Phineas & Ferb). I also told myself stories every night to go to sleep. I thought everyone else did this, too, until I got to school and realized this might not be considered normal behavior. Now I write because I have stories inside me that need telling. And because—writing is cheap therapy.
Can you tell us a little bit about your book?
There is some truth to the idea that there is a little part of the author in each character.
Like Evy in The Deputy’s Perfect Match, I’ve loved books since before I could read. One of my great childhood memories is finally getting my own library card with my name on it when I was five years old. I still remember the first book I checked out—a fairy tale, Thumbelina. The library and books have always been a safe haven for me.
The background of this particular story came from a situation that I witnessed when I was in the 6th grade. I had a friend named Tina. She and her brother were living with their grandmother after the death of their parents. When Tina’s grandmother died, she and her brother were sent to separate foster homes. I will never forget the aching sadness and fear on Tina’s face their last day together at our school. I never saw or heard from Tina again. But I’ve always prayed that she and her brother found each other one day. And so, was born Evy’s story.
The theme of this book is about wounded hearts. Is there a balm that can soothe hurting souls? There is—and His name is Jesus. It is the love of God and the blood of Christ that makes the wounded whole.
Did you get to do any fun research for the book?
In a total geek/book-girl moment—To research this book about a librarian, one of my local librarians and her team allowed me to “play” librarian for a day. I was trained in how to issue a library card and allowed to help patrons. So much fun—at least to a geek/book kind of girl like me.
What advice would you give to aspiring authors for writing and/or publishing?
10 Habits for Highly Effective Christian Writers
1) Be a person God can use to glorify His name.
Be humble
Be teachable
Be in the Word and get to know Him
Be about prayer
Be surrendered to His will in His time and in His way
2)Glue your butt in the writing chair and write every day.
3) Read and study the master writers in your genre.
4) Join ACFW and other professional writing organizations to dialogue with other published and unpublished writers.
5) Meet regularly with a local circle of likeminded writer friends for encouragement.
6) Attend the best writer conferences your budget allows—at least one conferenc a year.
7) Learn to edit yourself brutally.
8) Develop a Teflon-coated skin when the rejections start to pile up.
9) Related to #8, persist, mature and endure.
10) It’s worth repeating again— Be a person God can use to glorify His name and
that others will enjoy working with.
What is your favorite genre to read?
I love to read romantic suspense and contemporary romance—which is what I write.
What’s your favorite green food?
If you could travel to any location and stay there for one month where would you go?
My heart resides in a children’s home in the highlands of Guatemala. I’d go there to spend a month—but I wouldn’t get much writing done. I always spend any time I have there loving on my little girl and the other children. If I needed to be holed up somewhere to write—a cabin in North Carolina’s rugged Snowbird Mountains would be wonderful. Or the beach—after all, NC has the Outer Banks, too. So much to choose from, so little time. 😁
Care to share what you're currently reading?
I’m currently reading through Lisa Wingate novels and anticipating Becky Wade’s latest.
Connect with Lisa...

Still nursing old heartache, deputy sheriff Charlie Pruitt vowed he'd never get close to another woman again. But that's easier said than done when librarian Evy Shaw arrives in his small coastal Virginia town with a secret—one Charlie's determined to uncover. When Charlie joins Evy's all-female book club, he gets more than he anticipated when the romantic reads stoke a real attraction to Evy. Falling for the pretty librarian wasn't part of the plan, but when the truth behind Evy's suspicious behavior comes to light, will love be enough to bind them together?
Purchase: The Deputy's Perfect Match
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