by Beth K. Vogt
Published: May 3, 2016
From: Howard Books
Purchase: You Can't Hurry Love
What if your long wait for love brings you back to your first love? You Can’t Hurry Love is the second 99 cents e-novella in my destination wedding series. It’s the romance of Elisabeth Straker, the penultimate “always the bridesmaid never the bride,” who was also the best friend of Bellamy, the heroine in Can’t Buy Me Love, the first e-novella in my destination wedding series.
Get to know Beth...
What’s one thing you must do in the morning?
One thing? Oh gosh, these “one thing” questions are so challenging! All I know is my days go so much better when I walk with my writing buddy and close friend, Mary. We walk. We talk. We pray. By the time we’re done, we feel better physically, emotionally, and spiritually. And we always finish the walks with one of us saying, “This is the day the Lord has made …” and then the other person says, “ …we will rejoice and be glad in it.” (Psalm 118:24)
What are the names of your pets?
We have two dogs right now. Jo is my youngest daughter’s dog, and was a rescue puppy. Jo was found with her three sisters and a brother in an alley – no mama dog anywhere. The rescue shelter named them Meg, Jo, Amy, Beth, after the sisters in Little Women. The boy was named Chubbs. I don’t remember a “Chubbs” in Little Women. Then we also have Twister, our “grande dame” dachshund. She’s 14 years old, hard of hearing and she also can’t see very well anymore. She spends most of the day sleeping. When she’s awake, she’s cranky. But we love her.
Do you have a nickname? Care to share?
If I shared my childhood nickname you would have to swear to be my friend forever – and also swear to never, ever reveal it. My husband calls me “girl,” and I call him “boy.” Weird, I know. Another thing about nicknames: All of my children have nicknames. And I love to give my close friends nicknames. I think nicknames are fun and a special term of endearment.
The Cowboy's Twins
by Deb Kastner
Published: April 19, 2016
From: Harlequin Love Inspiried
Purchase: The Cowboy's Twins
A Surprise Dad
Rancher Jax McKenna's gotten used to being on his own. Then surprise twin babies—daughters he never knew existed—arrive on his doorstep, and his world goes topsy-turvy. Strong, silent Jax has a way with horses. Not little girls! So when Texas newcomer Faith Duggan steps up to help, he's overwhelmed with gratitude. Faith's following her dream of buying a mustang rescue sanctuary. And she needs Jax, too. But after a tragic accident changed his life forever, Jax isn't used to letting anyone in. Could Faith be the exception…and the partner he's always searched for?
Get to know Deb...
Who is your favorite secondary character?
In my very first Serendipity, Texas novel Phoebe’s Groom (three series ago!) my heroine is encouraged to come to town by Jo Hawkins Spencer, the saucy, red-curled owner of the only restaurant in Serendipity, Cup O’ Jo’s Café. She wears unique and sometimes sarcastic t-shirts, is a second mother to most of the town and is the hub of Serendipity’s gossip mill. She’s appeared in every one of my Serendipity novels. I think everyone should have a Jo Spencer in their lives.
What’s one thing you must have/do in the morning?
Coffee. Coffee. Did I say coffee? I’m not a morning person at ALL. I’m not grumpy before my morning caffeine, just incoherent.
What are the names of your pets?
I’m a dog lover. I have a Cairn terrier/Westie mix named Missy and a Pit Bull/Shepherd cross named Sadie. I also have three grand-puppies. My middle daughter has a purebred Chihuahua named Paris and a purebred teacup Yorkie named Jack-Jack. My youngest daughter has a Chihuahua mix (and I do mean mix—sometimes I think of different animals, not just dog breeds) named Mea. Youngest was planning to get a boy dog and name him Romeo, but she fell in love with a female and named her “Romea.” Mea for short.
Her One and Only
by Becky Wade
Published: May 3, 2016
From: Bethany House
Purchase: Her One and Only
When NFL super star Gray Fowler is threatened by a stalker, his team hires a professional bodyguard to ensure his safety. But when Gray's "protection" turns out to be a woman half his size, he's indignant. Will Dru Porter--a former Marine and expert markswoman--prove herself worthy of the job? And meanwhile, who's going to guard Gray's heart?
Get to know Becky...

Dru Porter from Her One and Only is fierce! The hero, Gray Porter, often likens her to a comic book super hero. Thus, I think Dru would dress as Cat Woman for Halloween. She'd feel completely at home in the black leather outfit and high heels.
Which of your characters do you secretly have a crush on?
Every hero I've ever written. Not only does the heroine get to fall in love and win the hero over the course of a romance novel, but so does the WRITER and so does the READER. That's why I so enjoy writing and reading love stories! I'm enamored of the heroes. Ah, the heroes.
If I had a knife I'd carve our initials into a tree. It would look something like, BW + MJ + BP + TP + JP + JB + WM + GF.

My dog is named Sam. He's a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. He snores, gazes at everyone with bulgy-eyed adoration, has a super mellow vibe, gobbles up his daily portion of food in under a minute, rides along for carpool, is a champion cuddler, and keeps me company when I'm writing. Here's a picture of him joining hand-to-paw with my youngest daughter to say grace before dinner.
Thanks for hosting me at Thinking Thoughts, Emilie! I truly appreciate it.
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