A Tapestry of Secrets
by Sarah Loudin Thomas
Published: August 2, 2016
From: Bethany House
Purchase: A Tapestry of Secrets
For decades, Perla Phillips has hidden the truth of a decision that still fills her with guilt. But now, seeing her granddaughter, Ella, struggle in a similar way, she's prepared to finally open the past to her family, no matter the consequences. But when the opportunity is snatched from her in a most unexpected manner, will she have waited too long? Spanning generations, this moving family drama weaves together the interlocking stories of two women as they navigate relationships, family, faith, and the choices that will shape their lives. Heartwarming and nostalgic, the story explores the courage to share the wounds of the past and celebrates the legacy a family passes from one generation to the next.
Get to know Sarah...
Who is your favorite secondary character?
Secondary characters are often my favorites! And hands down my favorite of all time is Frank Post who appears in Miracle in a Dry Season and Until the Harvest. He starts out as a well-read drunk who’s part of a love triangle that’s lasted 50+ years. Eventually, he cleans up and marries one of the now 90-something ladies from that triangle. Frank is a world traveler who was a horse wrangler for Wild Bill Cody. He’s lived life hard and earns the peace he finds through a great deal of struggle. He has the BEST lines and I swear I didn’t write them, Frank just told me what to put down. I wanted to include him in A Tapestry of Secrets, but he would have been something like 125 years old, so I had to say goodbye. I miss Frank!
Cats or dogs or both?
Oh, dogs! I mean, cats are fine, but dogs are quite possibly God’s greatest invention. I’ve loved many a dog and right now have Thistle for my boon companion. She’s approaching six years of age and we hike together almost every day. Sometimes we let my husband come along. And while she’s my true love, I really have a hard time not loving on every dog I meet. Service dogs are so HARD for me. I have to clasp my hands behind my back and not make eye contact, because they can tell how badly I want to rub their ears and I hate to distract them.
Which of your characters do you secretly have a crush on?
This probably isn’t fair since it’ll be at least another year before anyone gets to meet him, but I’m pretty crazy for Judd Markley. He’s the hero in my fourth novel which is likely to come out in 2017. He’s a coal miner who gives up mining after a terrible accident and heads for the coast of South Carolina. He’s tall with dark hair, blue flannel eyes, and dimples in his chin and his cheeks, but you rarely see the ones in his cheeks because he’s so serious. He brooks no nonsense, has a heart of gold, and is loyal to a fault. I found a photograph of a Virginia coal miner in the National Archives that I added to my Pinterest page for Book #4. It looks so much like I imagine Judd, it gives me goose bumps. Sigh.
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