- My review of The Golden Braid by Melanie Dickerson is up!
- I've created a post of Holiday eBook DEALS that you won't want to miss. The best part is that they are all under $5!
JoAnn Durgin, author of Perchance to Dream has graciously offered a few giveaways of this sweet Christmas novel! They are...
Ann Ellison
Just Commonly
Rebecca Bell
Yea! Congrats to you all - contact me so we can get you your copies :)
And for the Thanksgiving Giveaway we have two winners (whom I'll be contacting):
Grace Olson
Lastly, as if that wasn't enough, I also offered a special, secret giveaway through my November giveaway. Wait, you say, that's not fair I don't get your newsletter. Well, not to worry, that's easily fixed! Hop on over HERE and sign up - next month I'll have another giveaway lined up, not to worry!
Caryl Kane
You may be wondering, what in the world is this Spread The Christmas Joy? That, dear readers, is a fantastic question. This is actually the third annual STCJ (it's just easier to shorten it) and each year it's grown bigger than I could have hoped for.

I can't explain with words the overwhelming feeling of joy I have around this time of year. As I thought about this, I realized I wanted to try and share it - to spread it! And Spread the Christmas Joy was born. I decided to enlist some of my author/writer friends to help me by sharing stories or devotionals from Christmas here on the blog. And, because I love giving things away, I pair a lot of posts with fun things you can win. Either books donated by the author who is sharing our other Christmas related items.
We begin tomorrow, December 1st, and this year the STCJ posts will go all the way until December 31st! I am SO excited about the extension this year. I've already read some of the posts that have come in and let me just tell you...they are amazing! I can't wait to share with you all.
So, I invite you to join me here on Thinking Thoughts for a full season of joy here on the blog. I'll create a tab at the top for all of the posts and awesome giveaways. But make sure you stop back often. The response has been so overwhelming that for some days I've been able to schedule 2 posts per day! How awesome is that?
My last request is two fold. One, please share these posts! Maybe it's a story that sticks out to you or a devotional that touches your heart, but the best way for these to reach (and inspire) others is though you. Secondly, I'd ask that you pray for the posts going out. It's the desire of my heart that these posts will reach people to encourage them and inspire them during this season. That, though sometimes this season can be hectic and more than a little crazy, we can have JOY because of Christ.
Let's spread the Christmas joy together!