I’m the author of six contemporary and historical novels, one devotional on coping with loss, and three independently-published cookbooks of memory. Two of my novels were Christy Award Finalists. I’ve also been published by Chicken Soup for the Soul, Guideposts, and Blue Mountain Art. Passionate about writing through loss and grief, I teach writing workshops online and at conferences across the country. “Writing the Heartache” is the name of one of my most popular workshops, as well as the name of one of my three blogs. In honor of my son Daniel who died from cancer treatments, I founded Daniel’s House Publications, an organization to help fellow bereaved parents. I live in Durham, North Carolina, with my husband, one energetic boxer, and three children.
How to connect with Alice...
Website: http://www.alicewisler.com
Blog: http://www.alicewisler.blogspot.com/
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4397819.Alice_J_Wisler
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alice.j.wisler
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AliceWisler
Carved By Heart (our small business where we craft wooden items/memorials): https://www.etsy.com/shop/carvedbyheart
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/nojiri/
Purchase: Under the Silk Hibiscus
Author Interview | Alice J. Wisler
You and Writing
Tell us a little bit about yourself: How did you start writing? What has kept you writing? ...I started at age six. I continue because I can’t see myself doing anything else with this much passion. I’ve tried to abandon writing, but it always finds me. I think, by now, my desire to write is in my DNA.
Do you have a favorite book or work that you’ve written? If so, why?
...I like hearing from readers that my devotional, Getting Out of Bed in the Morning, helped them in their season of grief and loss. That means a lot to me. I wrote the book to encourage others, like me, who have had a loss.
Your Writing
Do you have a favorite character in this work? If so, why?
...Aunt Kazuko is my favorite in Under the Silk Hibiscus because she is always talking about needing “a pep” (a cookie or something sweet) and I like her for the way she takes on her sister’s four children. That’s real love to care for someone else’s kids.
What is one take-away from your book that you hope readers identify with?
...Life is tough, but God is faithful.
Where do you find inspiration for your story/characters? Are they based on real life or pure imagination or both?
...A little of both. I’ll see someone in line at the store that strikes me as amusing or hear a friend tell a story, and think, “This needs to go in my novel.”
When you write, what is your overall intention with your stories?
...First, I think a novel should always be about entertaining. That’s why people read novels—to be entertained. With Under the Silk Hibiscus, I want to also educate people about Japanese-American camps during World War II. I am surprised how many have never heard of internment camps that some Americans (of Japanese descent) were sent to after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. There was so much fear and prejudice in this country.
What advice would you give to aspiring authors for writing and/or publishing?
...Practice, as you would any sport or musical instrument. There’s always room for improvement. Always. Don’t give up. Believe in yourself and write often.
What’s your favorite green food? (In honor of St. Patrick’s Day of course!)
...Chocolate mint chip ice cream, of course!
If you could travel to any location and stay there for one month (probably spending most of the time writing) where would you go?
...I love the desert in Arizona. I’d get a small house there that overlooks the mountains and write while drinking my favorite Earl Grey tea. In the evening, I’d sit outside under the stars and listen to the coyotes in the distance. I might have to buy a rifle just in case! :)
Leave a comment to enter to win an eBook copy of Under the Silk Hibiscus!!!
(Winner chosen and announced March 18)
Great to have you on the blog, Alice! I love that one of your favorite works is your devotional because of the feedback you've gotten from others! And your takeaway for Under the Silk Hibiscus is simple yet profound - it's so important to remember that God is faithful! And I'll give a hearty cheer to your green choice - chocolate mint chip is one of my absolutely favorites :D Thanks again for being on the blog and for graciously offering a copy of your novel as a giveaway!

If you missed it, go check out my interview with Elizabeth Kitchens on the blog last week. She offered up a copy of her novel, The Beast's Enchantress and the lucky winner is...
Marisa Deshaies
Congrats Marisa! Contact me and I'll get you in touch with Elizabeth :)
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