Deborah M. Piccurelli is an advocate for sanctity of life, and tackles such issues in her novels, weaving them into compelling stories. She lives in New Jersey with her husband and their two sons.
How to connect with Deborah...
Twitter:!/DebPiccurelli (or @DebPiccurelli)
Purchase her book here:
Author Interview | Deborah Piccurelli
You & Writing
Tell us a little bit about yourself: How did you start writing?
...Writing is something I always liked, even in school. Reading good books made me want to write them.
What has kept you writing?
...I didn’t actually begin writing books until some years after I had my children. What has kept me doing it for the past approximately 15 years is, again, I just love doing it. I love creating worlds, and characters, and plots.
Do you have a favorite book or work that you’ve written?
...I’ve only had two published, so far, so I can’t really say either one is a favorite. I do so like the one I’m currently working on, though. If so, why?
...There are a lot of elements that are much different from anything in my other works.
What was the hardest thing about publishing?
...Ha! The actual getting to be published. After that, I’d have to say marketing and promotion. The easiest? Seeing the actual book in print, holding it in your hands, breathing in that new book aroma...
Tell us a little bit about your book.
Here is the back-cover blurb:
...Investigative journalist, Amber Blake, is a little person bent on payback for the death of her average-sized twin sister. Enlisted by her former partner and estranged husband, Evan, she poses as a counselor in an abortion clinic to expose the doctor responsible for fetal harvesting. As a Christian, she struggles with concealing her beliefs to maintain her cover, while the doctor’s romantic overtures tumble her stomach. Amber agrees to date him for the sake of the story . . . but nothing prepares her for what’s behind a mysterious door in his office.
Why are you/did you write it?
...Romantic suspense is my favorite genre to read, so naturally, it’s my favorite to write. I chose the premise because my brand is to write issue-related stories, and abortion is certainly a big issue these days.
Do you have a favorite character in this work?
...For some reason, Evan is my favorite. If so, why?
...I guess it’s because his personality seemed to take over. He has courage and is opinionated, but he is also gentle and loves with all his heart and soul.
What is one take-away from your book that you hope readers identify with?
...That we should do all we can to protect the precious life that God has given to each and every one of us. Especially the innocent ones.
Where do you find inspiration for your story/characters?
...Everywhere. Newspapers, magazines, television, the Internet. Are they based on real life or pure imagination or both?
...Usually, the stories are based on real life issues, but the characters are primarily imagination.
When you write, what is your overall intention with your stories?
...I want to entertain, inspire, encourage, make an impact on the lives of readers and, yes, make them laugh, too.
What advice would you give to aspiring authors for writing and/or publishing?
...Never give up. If the Lord has placed the desire in your heart to write, then He will equip you to do it. It could take years, but it will eventually come to fruition.
In honor of the fall, what’s your favorite fall treat?
...Pumpkin pie, and pumpkin flavored everything.
When you were a child, what did you dream of growing up to be?
...I guess my aspirations weren’t very lofty by today’s standards. I wanted to be a secretary. Back when I was a young child, I thought it looked really neat to be sitting at a desk, tapping away at a typewriter (I’m really dating myself, here), or sitting by the boss’ desk taking dictation, while he spoke a mile-a-minute. And I became just that.
Will you participate in National Novel Writing Month?
...I've never had the chance to do that. I bought a book on it some years back, too. Who knows? Maybe I’ll get to do it this year.
Thank you so much for sharing with us, Deborah! Your novel sounds intriguing! I love you you say to "never give up". I firmly believe that writing and the desire to write is God-given! And I'm right there with you about pumpkin everything! I am so happy it's fall - I just bought my first pie pumpkin last night and I cant wait to cook it up and make some pumpkin bread. Thanks again for sharing!
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