Ronie Kendig is an award-winning, bestselling author who grew up an Army brat. After twenty-plus years of marriage, she and her hunky hero husband have a full life with their children, a Maltese Menace, and a retired military working dog in Northern Virginia.
Connect with Ronie...
Twitter: @roniekendig
Instagram: @kendigronie
Purchase: Embers
Author Interview | Ronie Kendig
You and Writing
Tell us a little bit about yourself: How did you start writing?
...I think I’ve always been “writing”—making up stories as a little girl with my Barbies, but I remember when we were newly married, my husband decided we should splurge and buy me a word processor, complete with the 3’ floppy (that wasn’t floppy). That’s when I realized my husband took my writing seriously—probably more than I did at the time.
What has kept you writing?
...Writing has always been my therapy – it’s how I relax, how I work things out in my head. In all honesty, I’m not a very nice person if I don’t get to write, and I never knew until my amazing mother-in-law told me that I might be hypergraphic—and I am (except the part that is associated with epilepsy).
Do you have a favorite book or work that you’ve written? If so, why?
...I truly love something different about each novel, but I think I’ve had the most fun writing my very first speculative novel, which someday I hope to see in print.
If published, what was the hardest thing about publishing?
...The hardest thing about publishing is finding the courage to believe in yourself. There are so many amazing authors out there, so many beautiful (inside and out) people writing, that sometimes it can be hard to believe that what I’ve vomited onto the page is worth reading.
The easiest?
...For me, the easiest part is the first draft. I love love love writing the first drafts of my novels.

Tell us a little bit about your book or what you’re working on currently? Why are you/did you write it?
...Embers was a bit of a fluke. I clearly remember standing in my kitchen peeling potatoes, bingeing on the BBC’s Merlin, and getting so frustrated with the character Morgana. In that scene, she pretended to do something that was in the best interest of Arthur, who (in this series) is like a brother to her. I was so mad, knowing she was being devious and I was so sick of her, that I wondered—What if a sister truly did sacrifice everything to save her brother and the kingdom? And that is where the seed-germ for Embers started.
Do you have a favorite character in this work? If so, why?
...I think questions like this should be illegal. LOL I mean—what if one character finds out I didn’t choose them? I’ll revert back to what I said about my favorite book—there are things I love about each character. I love Laertes with his cockney-style accent and no-holds-barred tongue. I love Praegur, the stalwart but quiet companion. I love Thiel with her feisty and fiercely loyal disposition, who is always pushing our hero, Haegan, who is finding his land legs—literally and figuratively—in this journey.
When you write, what is your overall intention with your stories?
...I’ve always seen my mission as a writer to minister to the wounded, to those who are hurting, and to point them to Jehovah Rapha, the Lord our healer.
What advice would you give to aspiring authors for writing and/or publishing?
...It’s sounding a bit trite, but I’d say—know the rules, master the rules, but don’t get strangled by them. Use them to springboard your style and voice. And last—be confident. If you don’t “sell” your story, who will?
In honor of the fall, what’s your favorite fall treat?
...Anything pumpkin!!
When you were a child, what did you dream of growing up to be?
...I had three goals growing up: a teacher, a secretary, and a mom. I’ve accomplished all of those!
Will you participate in National Novel Writing Month? If so, what’s your plan to keep your writing on track?
...Ya know, I just might. I’d love to use that month to hack out a very solid chunk that would go toward finishing the Accelerant, the sequel to Embers.
I'm so excited to have Ronie on the blog again and I'm happy to offer a copy of her fabulous novel, Embers! I have been blessed to get to know this amazing woman and it is an honor to have her on my blog today! Make sure you check out her links above - her other books (in the military/romantic suspense category) are amazing.
Ronie is an incredible writer and Embers is absolutely fantastic! I haven't had the chance to finish it yet (my life has been absolutely crazy-buzy this last week) but a part of me is dying in side just a little every day it sits unfinished in my kindle! Anyway, enough about me - go buy Embers and you'll see :D
If you missed, I had Deborah Raney on the blog last week talking about her new book Another Way Home. She graciously offered a giveaway and I'm excited to announce that it is....
Pam K
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