SANDRA D. BRICKER was an entertainment publicist in Los Angeles for 15+ years where she attended school to learn screenwriting and eventually taught the craft for several semesters. When she put Hollywood in the rearview mirror and headed across the country to take care of her mom until she passed away, she traded her scripts for books, and a best-selling, award-winning author of Live-Out-Loud fiction for the inspirational market was born. Sandie is best known for her Another Emma Rae Creation and Jessie Stanton series for Abingdon Press, and she was also recently named ACFW’s Editor of the Year for her work as managing editor of Bling!, an edgy romance imprint for Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas. “I believe in the power of the parable,” she says. “And I just love words in almost any form. From the assembling on the page to the polishing and perfecting, there’s almost nothing more powerful.”As an ovarian cancer survivor, Sandie also gears time and effort toward raising awareness and funds for research, diagnostics and a cure.
How to connect with Sandra...
Purchase: From Bags to Riches
Get to know Sandra...
You and Writing
What has kept you writing?
I’ve asked myself that more than a time or two over the last decade. And the thing I always seem to come back to is this: I believe with all my heart that, for whatever reason, this is the plan God made for my life. I don’t know exactly what I have to offer the world with a few fictional storylines and characters, but I know that every time I think it might be time to hang it up, that Holy Spirit thing happens to re-energize me and get me back on the road. So as odd or cheesy as it might sound to your readers, I’d have to say that Jesus is what (Who) keeps me writing.
Your Writing

Jessie Hart has struggled to put her Adornments boutique on the map, but when a celebrity stylist with her own reality show makes the shop a hot spot, Jessie’s hard work is finally paying off. Just as her dreams are coming true, she gets the word: her beloved grandfather in Louisiana is diagnosed with cancer. Of course she feels the pull to see him, but that means returning to the very place she worked so hard to escape. To add further complication, “husband” Jack turns up again and he can’t help but notice the new-and-improved Jessie. As he fights through his residual legal battles, he makes every effort to win her back and marry her for real this time…before Danny gets the chance. In her quest to find the success, true love, and faith that has always eluded her will God really lead her right back home?
Tell us a little bit about your book...
Do you have a favorite character in this work? If so, why?
Although there are some wonderful friends on the landscape of Jessie’s story, I think her grandfather is my favorite character. He has a no-nonsense wisdom that every girl trying to find her path should have in her life. Grampy says what needs to be said, right when he needs to say it for Jessie’s benefit and God’s glory.
What did you learn while writing it?
I never really intended for Jessie and Danny to head in the direction they went in Book 3, the finale of the series. But as I reviewed the lessons they’d learned in the first two books, the ways they grew together instead of apart, and especially the ways Jessie developed as a character, I suddenly knew that taking her back to her roots would solidify the woman she became over the course of the books. She spent most of her life dreaming of this adventure she found in Southern California … but what if she had to return to the starting line to figure out how to come across the finish line? Through Jessie, I found a lot of clarity about myself and my own road.
Emilie here: Thanks so much for being my guest Sandra! I've enjoyed your writing for a long time and it's an honor to have you on the blog! Make sure you enter the giveaway readers - depending on the number of entries Sandra may give away up to 3 ebooks!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Christine Lindsay was on the blog last week and we have a winner for a copy of Sofi's Bridge:
Leslie M.
I'll be emailing you Leslie! Thanks for entering everyone :)
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