Patti Shene has enjoyed writing since childhood. She is published in two anthologies, Love is a Verb Devotional and Angels, Miracles, and Heavenly Encounters, as well as in local publications.
She served as Executive Editor for Starsongs, a publication of Written World Communications (WWC), written for kids by kids from 2010 - 2013. She also held the position of Division Manager for YA and Children’s Imprints with WWC for several months.
She has three novels in progress. Patti enjoys encouraging other writers by judging contests and featuring writers as guests on her three blogs, located at
Patti is a retired RN, formerly from Long Island, who resides in a small Colorado town with her husband of thirty-six years. They have two wonderful adult children and one amazing 12- yr old granddaughter.
How to connect with Patti...
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Writer RE:Interview | Getting to know you…again with Patti Shene
--> You and Writing
Who is one of your favorite authors and why?
...Rebecca Carey Lyles has become one of my favorite new authors. I’ve read a couple of her nonfiction books and the first two books in her three book Kate Neilson series. She writes about the ranching life, which I love, but adds a twist to her plots that addresses difficult issues.
What is one book or resource you would recommend to other writers? Why?
...I really enjoyed Amy Deardon’s The Story Template: Conquer Writer's Block Using the Universal Structure of Story
How do you balance your time between writing and other actives? Any helpful tips, tricks, or suggestions?
...Confession time here. I’m a terrible procrastinator, so when I have a deadline, whether it be our church newsletter or a contest entry, I’m usually working on it at the last possible moment. My goal is to start committing at least an hour a day to my writing, but unfortunately, it hasn’t happened yet.
Your Writing
Tell us a little bit about the story you're working on.
...It’s a historical (19th century) about an ex-con recently released from prison and a young woman who has escaped from her errant father. Their relationship grows in a small town on the Colorado plains while both struggle to make a new life under the shadow of dark pasts. His weak trust in God is strengthened while her strong faith is tested as they face various trials.
What was one trial you faced when writing it? One success?
...Research drives me nuts. I always worry that I don’t have the facts straight, or I’ll hear a tidbit that I could use, then forget where I heard or read it.
...I’ve had a couple of editors who are very interested in the story – if I would just get it completed!
Who is your favorite character and why?
...My favorite character is my cowboy ex-con, Frank Pride. He struggles so hard to take the right path now that he is out of prison, but is forced into situations that make the right decision very difficult.
What is one take-away from your book that you hope readers identify with?
...God forgives and can work miracles in a person’s life, even after they have committed the most heinous of sins.
Favorite writing snack:
...I like a bowl of fruit while writing. All of the other snacks I enjoy (cookies, chips, etc) leave crumbs all over my laptop keyboard, so I save them for when I’m reading!
Book you’re reading right now:
...I’m reading PDQ, a crime mystery by Ronald Glanz that I obtained through Fred St Laurent’s Book Club Network (
If you could go anywhere in the world for one month (for free) where would it be and why?
...I’d love the opportunity to visit our son and daughter-in-law in the UK! I never thought I would care to travel outside of the US, but having someone so close who could show us the sights would probably be very exciting and fun.
Thank you so much for taking time to come back and re-visit the blog Patti! I love that you freely admit to being a terrible procrastinator! That, unfortunately, is me too!!! Though sometimes I've done some of my best work on the fly ;) I'm excited for the story you've shared about - I hope you get the chance to finish it and I also hope you get to visit the UK! It's definitely on my top-list of places to visit. Thanks again for being my guest!
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