
Monday, November 7, 2016

NaNoWriMo Day 7 | Week 1 Report

Sometimes life falls together in a perfect storm. That has been my end of October/beginning of November. And when I say storm, I do mean storm. The deails aren't important at this juncutre (and a little to fresh to write about anyway) but I did want to give a NaNoWriMo update.

NaNoWriMo Day 7

Yes. You heard that right. I'm still forging ahead with NaNo. Not doing it last year was one of the hardest things (ironically...possibly harder than attempting it) and this year, despite the upheaval of life, I'm excited to be working on one of my new projects!

You may not have realized, but I did start a YouTube channel recently. That is, I joined the "BookTube" community. Much like #Bookstagram for Instagram, I talk about books and writing on my channel. I'm very new to it, but it is a lot of fun. I thought I'd share my second video here where I talk a little bit about NaNoWriMo.

All of that to say...well, I'm stuck at 1724 words as of today. *Cringes* I know. It's awful and SUCH a small wordcount for me right now. But I still have hope. Balancing my wordcoutns for work and for NaNo is not easy but I shall persist >>says this mostly to herself because she needs the encouragement<<.

What about you? Anyone else doing NaNo? How's it going? How do you stay motivated?

I'd invite you to subscribe to my channel and check out my "Bookstagram" if you haven't already. I love meeting new friends over on my "CreateExploreRead" page!

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