
Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Dony Jay & Spy-Thrillers | Guest Post

Emilie here: Welcome author Dony Jay to the blog today as he talks about his favorite genre: spy-thrillers! 


Get to know Dony Jay...

How did you start writing? What made you choose this genre?
I’m a thirty-eight year-old husband and father of two. I’ve been a cop for just over thirteen years, the last eight of which I’ve been assigned to CID (Criminal Investigations Division). When I’m not writing, I’m reading. When I’m not reading, I’m writing. More or less. I love being home with the family and going to my kids’ soccer and basketball games and practices and tournaments. A few other things I enjoy doing are hiking in the woods, going for a good run and knocking the soccer ball around.

I’ve always enjoyed writing, but I started writing seriously after I read two books back to back: Pursuit of Honor by Vince Flynn and Lone Survivor by Marcus Luttrell. They inspired me to write my own spy thriller series. And while I devour all kinds of books, spy thrillers will always be my favorite.

What was the inspiration for your book?
Primarily my inspiration comes from the men and women of the special operations and intelligence communities—the real warrior spies, but more broadly all those who serve at home and abroad. The idea that there are people out there sacrificing their time with their loved ones, their dreams, their lives for me and my family, for America, is deeply moving. It continues to inspire me and always will.

Do you have a favorite character in this work? If so, why?
My clear favorite is the main character and protagonist, Reagan Rainey. He’s of course named after Ronald Reagan, one of my favorite presidents. Rainey lost his dad at a young age—his dad was in the CIA and was killed in the line of duty—and has taken up the mantle of vigilant protector of his mom and sister. He’s this fierce and fearless American warrior, a trained killer really, yet he’s a man of strong faith in Almighty God. He’s a unique combination of George Washington, Ronald Reagan and Adam Brown. Adam Brown was a U.S. Navy SEAL about whom Eric Blehm wrote his book titled, Fearless. I will never stop recommending that book to people by the way. Go read Fearless…even before my book. Do it now. You will not be sorry.

What is one take-away from your book that you hope readers identify with?
God is in control. No. Matter. What. There is so much that goes on in our lives and around the world that just doesn’t seem to make sense. Read the news these days; the world is upside down. But God’s ways are not our ways. We must learn to put our trust fully in Him. He is in control and He knows what He’s doing. (tweet this)

What was a challenge you faced while writing it?
Time. I know I’m not alone here. All authors deal with trying to find the time to write. But as an indie, writing is only the first of many tasks required to publish a book. Obviously, I have a regular full-time job (with rotating shifts and every other week being on call), but my biggest frustration is being the husband and father my wife and kids deserve. All this while I try to write and publish the next bestseller. The result is a heavy burden of guilt. That time with my characters and story is time away from them. But I’m blessed to have a lovely, supportive, godly wife and a son and daughter who offer faithful encouragement. They actually pray for old dad and his books at dinnertime. It’s great! And humbling. Sometimes though the writing just has to wait as life’s circumstances swirl. But God is good and He is faithful. As I mentioned before, He is in control even when (especially when) I feel like I’m losing it.

Was there a passage of scripture you came across or used while writing it that you’d like to share?
Psalm 97. I sign all my books with it. It starts off, “The LORD reigns…” Present tense. I love that.

What are you reading right now?
Inside the CIA by Ronald Kessler. Both for entertainment and research. I’m about a third of the way in.

Tell us something about yourself that has nothing to do with writing or books.
Hmm. Well, I recorded an original song that my wife and I danced to at our wedding reception. I’m no Michael W. Smith, but I have to admit, it was a pretty special moment. It’s funny, my daughter sometimes asks me to play the song now.

Here’s another I’ll throw in free of charge (lol): I’m extremely competitive…in a healthy way. I hate to lose even more than I like to win. I’m serious. I absolutely hate to lose. When I do fail at something though, I use that as fuel to get better. It’s just who I am. When I put my mind to something, I am stubbornly determined to succeed.

The Warrior Spy
by Dony Jay
The CIA has a problem. Its best clandestine operatives keep turning up dead. And now, as if things couldn't get any worse, a Defense Department scientist, specializing in high-energy lasers, has gone missing. America needs answers. And fast.

Delta Force operator Reagan Rainey, on temporary duty assignment with a secret CIA entity known as Directorate Twelve, is tasked to do just that—get answers. But to do so, he not only has to outwit and outmaneuver a dangerous cabal of foreign actors believed to be at the center of it all, he must contend with a deadly assassin who is bent on destroying him.

Relying on his bedrock faith in Almighty God, Rainey is forced to race against the clock to uncover what is really going on and why, before his beloved America is pushed to the brink of war.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Dony Jay is an American, a husband and father of two. He loves to laugh and joke around, loves to spend time with his family, loves to be home. A graduate of York College of PA, with a B.S. degree in criminal justice, Dony has been a police officer for the past thirteen years, a detective for the last eight.

He is an avid reader and enjoys all kinds of books, most of all thrillers. In 2010, Dony set out to author his own spy thriller series, one with a distinctly Christian worldview and a patriotic flair for she was founded.

When he's not reading or writing, he loves playing sports (soccer mostly), staying fit and cheering on the Philadelphia Eagles.

Above all, he's a follower of Jesus Christ. According to Dony, the tenets of a rich & rewarding life include faith, family and freedom. In that order.

He resides in south-central Pennsylvania.



Last week I had Cathy Elliott on the blog and she offered to give away a copy of her fun cozy mystery, A Vase of Mistaken Identity. We've got a winner : 

Annie JC 

Congrats! I'll be in touch :)  

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