
Friday, December 18, 2015

LaToya Archibald | Spread the Christmas Joy

I love Christmas songs. I really could sing them all year long. My favorite one has to be “Joy to the World” from The Preacher's Wife soundtrack sung by Whitney Houston. It proclaims the arrival of our Lord and King and tells of how the heavens and earth (well nature that is) rejoice. As I was singing the lyrics this morning (using my inside voice of course) I kept pausing at the phrase “let every heart prepare Him room.”

Many of us know the story of Jesus’s lowly birth in manger. According to the story his parents traveled from Jerusalem to Bethlehem for Mary to give birth. When they arrived at the hotel they found that there were no rooms available. I believe that Joseph, like many men, failed to make a reservation but that’s not the point this story. (Just kidding guys. We know you ALWAYS plan ahead for us ladies… insert side eye LOL! )

What got me about the lyrics was in light of the fact that there was no room for the new born king the writer tells us to make room for Jesus in our hearts. If I could rewind the clock I’d make sure that Mary gave birth in the best hospital with the best doctors and that she and Joseph had a luxurious home to bring baby Jesus to because I believe that He deserves the best, BUT the preparations that we make for royalty using our earthly treasures pale in comparison to the preparations that our hearts should make as we welcome and await his return because Jesus is coming back.

Have you prepared room in your heart for Him? Are there any occupants (people, fears, doubts, strongholds, possessions) that have penthouse suites in your heart when they shouldn’t? 

It’s not too late to make room. Do some evicting. Clean up the house. Tear down walls that shouldn’t be there and believe that God will restore your heart to the way He designed it to be.


How are you preparing?

Joy to the World” by Whitney Houston, The Preacher’s Wife soundtrack

LaToya is a classic case ENFP. She loves Jesus and lives to make Him famous. She has a lot of jobs but her passion is for songwriting, mentoring college students and fundraising. At any given time she can be found in the middle of the dance floor. Check out her latest musings on Instagram @L_Siobhan and

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