
Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Sarah Sundin {Writer Wednesday} + GIVEAWAY

A little bit about Sarah...

Sarah Sundin is the author of seven historical novels, including Through Waters Deep (Revell, August 2015). Her novel On Distant Shores was a double finalist for the 2014 Golden Scroll Awards. A mother of three, Sarah lives in California, works on-call as a hospital pharmacist, and teaches Sunday school.

How to connect with Sarah...

Purchase: Through Waters Deep

Author Interview | Sarah Sundin

You and Writing
Tell us a little bit about yourself: How did you start writing? What has kept you writing?
...Writing was not my original career choice. I majored in chemistry and became a pharmacist. Then in 2000, I was slammed with a story idea that wouldn’t leave me alone. I had to write it. So I did. Very badly. However, that book led me to connect with a writers’ group, to start attending conferences, and to learn the craft of writing. 
...What keeps me writing now? I can’t stop. Stories and characters keep bombarding me, and I’ve fallen in love with storytelling.

If published, what was the hardest thing about publishing? The easiest?  
...Coming from a health-care field, where objectivity is valued and job security is guaranteed unless you do something stupid, the subjectivity and insecurity of the writing profession is a continuing challenge for me. I don’t know if anything has truly been easy, but so much has brought me joy and fulfillment—I love the research, plotting, writing, and editing. I love speaking and teaching. I love meeting readers on social media and in person. And I love that I have to lean on God to help me through the lack of objectivity and security! 

Your Writing

Tell us a little bit about your book. Why did you write it? 
...Through Waters Deep is the first book in the Waves of Freedom series, which follows three American naval officers based in Boston in WWII. Through Waters Deep is set in 1941, as America teeters on the brink of World War II. Mary Stirling works at the Boston Navy Yard and renews an old friendship with naval officer Ens. Jim Avery. Jim’s destroyer escorts British convoys across the North Atlantic, but problems on his ship point to a saboteur at the shipyard. As Mary works to find the culprit and Jim battles U-boats, could their friendship blossom into something more? Or could the dangers they face keep them apart?

...I’m currently working on my publisher’s edits on the second book in the Waves of Freedom series, Anchor in the Storm (summer 2016), and writing the third book.

Do you have a favorite character in this work? If so, why?  
...I don’t like to play favorites (says the mother of three), but I really loved working with Jim and Mary. Jim is so upbeat and easygoing and fun, and Mary has this delicious quiet sense of humor that came out of nowhere. She also thinks a bit like me—she likes to take notes and make lists and charts—so I understand her.

What is one take-away from your book that you hope readers identify with?  
...I hope readers will be encouraged to hoist their sails and allow the Lord to guide their paths.


Where do you find inspiration for your story/characters? Are they based on real life or pure imagination or both?  
...This story was sparked by historical research—the unrest in America in 1941 as isolationists and interventionists argued and as reports of espionage and sabotage ran rampant. But it was fueled by imagination—what if a saboteur was working at the Boston Navy Yard? What would it be like to serve on a US destroyer when the nation was officially at peace—but U-boats were attacking? Of course, I had to throw in a love story!

When you write, what is your overall intention with your stories?
...Overall, I hope my stories encourage people and draw them closer to God. I also hope they deepen appreciation for the events and people of the World War II era.

What advice would you give to aspiring authors for writing and/or publishing?
...Read a lot. Write a lot. Connect with other writers through groups like ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) or a local writers’ group. And attend writers’ conferences—the single best way to learn the craft, learn the business, and meet fabulous people!


What is your favorite activity during the summer?  
...I love swimming in our pool and holding barbecues for friends. This summer, our favorite event was our daughter’s wedding!

Apparently August 15th is National Lemon Meringue Pie Day (who knew). What is your favorite dessert?
...Only one? I have serious sweet tooth. I’m partial to gumdrops right now. And black jelly beans. And anything chocolate. And ice cream. And my homemade cheesecake. And my homemade Boston cream pie. And yes, I’m fond of lemon meringue pie too. I chew a lot of gum to keep the sweets out of my mouth!

Thanks so much Sarah! I loved having you back on the blog. I love that you are open and honest about the fact that it is difficult and there is an element of insecurity to being a writer. I think that's universal for us all. And yes and amen to attending a writers conference! As I mentioned in Monday's post, conferences are great encouragements for writers. And YES to black jelly beans! I love licorice flavor though I know most don't - glad to see I'm not alone :D

So, readers, make sure you leave a comment to win this book. First off, isn't the cover amazing? Secondly, I'm currently reading it for review and loving it so far. Third, if you don't happen to win it's okay because currently Through Waters Deep is on SALE - I included it in my "20 Paperbacks under $11" post which you can see HERE. So one way or another you'll be able to get your hands on this incredible book. Oh, and check out the awesome GIVEAWAY button to the right side of my blog that Sarah is hosting from August 8-24th.

1 comment:

  1. Designer Beata Heuman, author of Every Room Should Sing and Every Room Should Sing, shared a trick she uses to add that special touch to her work. Beata suggests that adding a splash of cherry red can add a touch of elegance to the look even when it appears to not be a good fit with the interior. As a less risky option consider adding a bright red lamp shade or scatter cushion, or picture frame to test if it helps bring the space to life. It's a technique she learned through her teacher Nicky Haslam, the British designer who has worked with Mick Jagger, Ringo Starr and Charles Saatchi.
