
Friday, November 30, 2012

Day 30 | Changes & Succeses

Day 30 and I've made it!!  I hit 50,015 words at 12:58pm today and am super happy with the novels progress so far.  I've gone through some suspenseful situations, a little bit of romance, and I'm almost to the big action scene I'm wondering how I'm going to write (#writerproblems right??).

I am super excited to keep up as much of the momentum as I can in order to finish this book by the end of December.  I think it's completely possible and, for once, I'm not burnt out at from NaNoWriMo.  For some reason, this year has gone more smoothly than the last 4 years and I feel like I've been even busier this month than any previous.  I guess the sayings are true - if you want something done, give it to a busy person ;)

In addition to all of this, maybe you've noticed my blog changing from day to day?  I apologize for that! I had decided to "freshen" it up a bit and made the necessary change but then suddenly the formatting was all off.  I'm sure there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for it (more than likely having to do with my lack of true tech skills...) but I decided, rather than fight it, I'd change it again.  Hopefully it hasn't thrown many of you off.

Thank you all for coming with me on this amazing journey through National Novel Writing Month and I hope that next year some of you will join me?  I'll leave you with the cover that I created for this years novel - it's just something I whipped up for fund but I thought I'd share anyway!  Be on the look out for more about this book and some fun character sketches too!  Have a wonderful weekend :)

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